- 2 oz sourdough starter
- 1/4 lb \ fresh spinach, blanched and drained well
- 2.5 oz 00 flour or bread flour
- 4 oz semolina, divided
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk
- pinch of salt
Blend eggs and spinach in a spice grinder. Dump on starter and stir well.
Add flours (only 3 oz of the semonlina) and salt. Knead into a ball. Depending on how well you drained the spinach, size of the eggs or hydration of starter you may need to add up to .5 oz 00 flour.
Lightly oil and let sit for 1-4 hours room temp. Refrigerate overnight. Roll out dough on remaining 1 oz of semolina.
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