Originally posted August 17, 2015

Hobak Juk (Butternut Squash Porridge with Rice balls)

Hobak Juk (Butternut Squash Porridge with Rice balls) by Sarah Xiong

I like my soup on the sweeter side. Can be eaten warm or cold. Eat as a meal, breakfast, appetizer or dessert!


  • 1 - 2lb butternut squash, halved and seeded
  • 16 oz water
  • 2 oz glutinous rice flour
  • tiny pinch salt
  • 3 tbsp boiling water
  • 2 tbsp glutinous rice flour
  • 1.5 oz sugar
  • 1/8 tsp salt


Put squash in a large pot. Fill the pot 1/4 of the way up with water. Cover. Boil for 30 minutes or til soft. Cool squash.

In a small bowl mix rice flour and salt. Add boiling water at once. Stir with spoon. Knead with hands til dough holds together. Roll into soybean sized balls. Add 2 tbsp of additional rice flour so the balls don't stick together.

Separate skin and seeds and put squash into large pot. Add 2 cups water. Use immersion blender to make smooth. Put over medium high head. When squash starts to boil, whisk in rice flour balls. Whisk vigorously for about 3 minutes. Stir in sugar and salt after you turn off the heat.



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Adapted from

Maangchi's Hobakjuk
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