These enchiladas may be different from the ones you are used to making. First, they are covered in mole (pronounced mo-Lay) not salsa, and second, they are not baked in the oven. They are cheese-filled but not definitely not “melty.”
- 1 cup mole paste or 4 cups of prepared mole
- 4 cups chicken broth or water
- 1 lb. of queso fresco or panela cheese mild fresh Mexican cheeses
- ½ cup Mexican cream "crema"
- 1 red or white onion
- 12 corn tortillas
- 1 cup cooking oil
Follow the directions here for preparing the mole paste
Once the mole is ready, move on to the next steps.
Pour ¼" of cooking oil (about 1 cup) into a frying pan and heat to medium-hot.
Gently lower a corn tortilla into the oil and cook for about 10 seconds until the tortilla starts to puff up. Turn the tortilla and cook for another 10 seconds.
Remove the tortilla from the oil. Allow the oil drain off for a few seconds.
Place the tortillas on a plate covered in paper towels to drain the excess oil.
Bring the cheese to room temperature before rolling.
Place a corn tortilla on a plate then place 2 or 3 slices of cheese on the tortilla.
Roll the tortilla until it forms a nicely shaped tube.
Repeat until you have rolled all of the enchiladas.
Spoon the mole over the enchiladas (about ¾ cup per plate).
Using a squirt bottle filled with Mexican cream, pipe 3 lines of cream across the enchiladas to decorate.
Garnish with 3 thinly sliced onion rings.
Serve immediately.
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