Originally posted January 27, 2013

red bean paste

red bean paste by joanie

What's the deal with red bean? Why, it's Chinese people's chocolate! It's used as an ingredient in all sorts of desserts. (And, it's high in fiber!) As far as texture goes, think of it as peanut butter. You can process it smooth or leave it chunky depending on the application. (The chunky batch in the photo is headed for the ice cream maker!)


  • 1/2 lb (1 cup) dried azuki beans
  • 4 cups water
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar
2 cups


Soak beans in water overnight. Rinse and drain.

In a pot, bring beans, water, and salt to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce to medium-low heat. Simmer for 1 hour (or until beans become tender), stirring occasionally. Add water if the beans start to get too dry.

Stir in the sugar and cook for another 2 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to cool briefly.

Use a food processor to blend it the way you like it.

Use immediately or refrigerate for later.

75 minutes


  • commented about 11 years ago

    Yummy! I love red bean paste!
    Do you know how to make Sesame Balls? I know they're Japanese but they fill them with red bean paste and are highly addictive!

  • commented about 11 years ago

    You are sooooo right. Read bean (紅豆)is Chinese people's chocolate. The red bean soup (紅豆湯), red bean steam pau (紅豆蒸包), and the read bean moon cake (紅豆月餅), just to name a few....And, the following is a poem about read beans by Wang Wei 王維 (692-761, Tang Dynasty). "Yearning Between Lovers 相思": 紅豆生南國, 春來發幾枝. 願君多採擷, 此物最相思. I tried translate it but failed.

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